App for booking a taxi in Moscow via Taxi Moment ( application helps to book a taxi in Moscow via Taxi Moment company (http
App for booking a taxi in Moscow via Taxi Moment (
This application helps to book a taxi in Moscow via Taxi Moment company (
If you don't speak Russian well, it could be easier for you to use this app to book a taxi and calculate price for the trip (all prices are in Russian rubles). The app provides a map and can locate your current address by GPS coordinates (if allowed by your device). Map can be used to preview the route and to search address by place name.
If you visit Moscow often you could be interested in the ability to accumulate discounts and save frequent addresses in the app. To use these fetures you may login into the app with your social account. Application doesn't have access to your passwords and account data besides your name, phone number and address (if this info is available via your social account).
Our main auditory is Russian-speaking Moscow citizens, but we provided some casual English localization in the app for foreign visitors. Also, you can select "English-speaking driver" option and we'll try to find one for you (it's usually possible but not always).